The Heart of England Pilgrimage 2024

Day 5: Rest Day in Warwick

Today is our first rest day, and pilgrims are free to do as they please. You may choose to visit Warwick Castle, the Lord Leyxester Hospital, the Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick Hall Museum, several military Museums, or various gardens. There are shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants. There is a sports centre across the park from where we are staying, to use showers we'd need to pay for swim (£4.20 concessions or £6 others) Leamington Spa, a train or bus journey or 2 mile walk from Warwick, has 2 launderettes (Revolution Launderette in Morrisons, or Binswood Laundrette) if you need to wash clothes. The Court House, Jury Street. 2-4pm. "In The Ballroom" - Britain's Secret War, The Code Breakers of Bletchley Park with Ken Kelly. To avoid overcrowding please reserve your place in advance by dropping into the Visitor Information Centre or call them on 01926 492212. £3 to include tea, coffee and cake. Cash on the door please. The links below have more info, or visit the Visitor Information Centre, Jury Street, Warwick, CV34 4EW (7 minutes walk)

A&B Pilgrimage History: Warwick was also a rest day on our route in 2011.

Pilgrimage Newsfeed - Day 5

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How to get to the Tourist Information Centre in Warwick Things to do in Warwick Visitors Guide Aidan Simons

Wednesday day off. Pilgrims full of resources verymike

St Mary's Church, Warwick

St Mary's Church, where some of us attended Morning Prayer and got a great welcome Aidan Simons

In St Mary's, Warwick Aidan Simons

In St Mary's, Warwick Aidan Simons

In St Mary's, Warwick Aidan Simons

Entrance to the Beauchamp Chapel, St Mary's Warwick Aidan Simons

In St Mary's, Warwick Aidan Simons

Secular wisdom in Warwick Peter Massey

Ice creaming Danny Thomas

In St Mary's, Warwick Aidan Simons

Two Warwick shop keepers’ short story Peter massey

Two Warwick shop keepers’ most precious item Peter massey

Pilgrims walking up a Warwick street Francis O Sullivan

Tracked down St Paul's, Warwick, where my great-grandfather was baptised in the 1870's Claire Glover

At Lord Leycester Hospital Aidan Simons

At Lord Leycester Hospital Aidan Simons

Dressing up at Lord Leycester Hospital Aidan Simons

At Lord Leycester Hospital Aidan Simons

At Lord Leycester Hospital Aidan Simons

Glimpses of Warwick Castle Aidan Simons

Glimpses of Warwick Castle Aidan Simons

We celebrated a Vigil Mass of The Assumption in the church of St Nicholas where we have been staying over our rest day. John Chenery

Front view of the musicians John Chenery

Bavarian/Canadian dish VirginiaC Munyui

Pilgrims roll production John Chenery

St Nicholas, Warwick John Chenery

Rest day. The way forward verymike

Rest day meal in Warwick Danny Thomas

Joyful rest day. verymike