Bristol-Arundel Pilgrimage 2023

Reunion: Eastbourne

Pilgrimage Newsfeed - Reunion

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Pilgrims gathered for the first reunion to include an overnight stay in 4 years. Aidan Simons

Why are there two Easter eggs in the dartboard in the hall at Christ the King, Langney? John Chenery

Swapping phone numbers at Eastbourne Station, where the walk started. Aidan Simons

Jim and John ready to walk Aidan Simons

Hanging around ready to leave, prepared for the rain. We took a bus from Langney into Eastbourne to start the walk. Aidan Simons

Climbing up to the South Downs John Chenery

View (?) back over Eastbourne as we climb towards Beachy Head Aidan Simons

Waiting for the tail enders Aidan Simons

John leads our prayers by the memorials on Beachy Head John Chenery

A prayer for peace at Beachy Head Aidan Simons

Attempted group photo on Beachy Head Aidan Simons

International Year of Peace Aidan Simons

Bomber Command memorial - Beachy Head was often the last sight of England on missions towards Germany Aidan Simons

Looking at the Memorial in Wind and Rain Aidan Simons

Approaching Belle Tout lighthouse John Chenery

Looking back at Beachy Head lighthouse Aidan Simons

Clare and Anne helping John in the strong winds Aidan Simons

Belle Tout lighthouse and the disappearing path Aidan Simons

Birling Gap and the Seven Sisters ... we won't be walking over them. John Chenery

Inspiring words at Beachy Head Michael McCabe

Thankfully only an exercise at Beachy Head Michael McCabe

At Birling Gap, I bought an ice cream cone, but a gust of wind snapped it in half. Jim points to the remnants John Chenery

Pilgrims reach the Tiger Inn at East Dean John Chenery

Standing room only in The Tiger Inn, so after a pint for some we adjourned to the Hikers Rest cafe John Chenery

Leaving The Hikers Rest - where we did rest (and eat lunch) Aidan Simons

9 of the 16 morning walkers continued walking in the afternoon (the others caught a bus) John Chenery

Battling the elements on the return leg Aidan Simons

We passed Our Lady of Ransom church in both directions Aidan Simons

Tucking into fish and chips for dinner John Chenery